Apply to give your school the crystal advantage!

CE Crystal is the most trusted Learning Management System in India!

From in-class to at-home, become a 21st century school!

Not just another LMS organizing your resources but an intelligent and personalized product that empowers schools to deliver student outcomes!

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Most Loved Features

Now we have visibility into the entire learning progress of the school

- Mrs. Vidya

By School Leaders

CE Crystal is there for all our work so that we can focus on what we love- Teaching!

- Mrs. Sandhya

By Teachers

We rest easier now– assured that our child is in trustworthy hands.

- Mr. Gaurav

By Parents

I don’t endure learning anymore. I enjoy it!

- Mayank

By Students

CE Crystal is now fully integrated with our most advanced in-classroom teaching solution for teachers- CE Platinum!

Why choose
Tata ClassEdge

The Tata Group continues to be The Most Valuable Brand in India– serving the country for over 150 years.

Our product and learning design team have a combined experience in creating Education products of over 700 years!

We have subject matter experts, teachers and even principals in our team guiding our product design so that we deliver meaningful products for you.

We are invested in the impact of our products. We don’t start billing you till you have accepted that you are trained and ready to start using our products.

We will be with you as a long-term partner through summers and winters– over 70% of our customers have stayed with us for the last 5 years.

Apply Now